The participants enter into a room full of projectors with objects such as pipes and wood suspended from the ceiling casting shadows on the projection walls.    However, they are not given any instructions!
 On one side of the room they discover cute little green aliens that walk on top of shadows.
 On the right, they find that a baby is in trouble, apparently tied down by Lilliputs.
 The participants learn to move the little green aliens by manipulating the shadows.  For example, here someone is balancing an alien on top of their head while moving an overhead pipe.
 Using the tools they find like bicycle wheels and boards they problem-solve their way around various obstacles.   Here someone is using a ladder and board to get the alien over a fire obstacle.
 Inevitably (without being told to do so) they lead the little green aliens towards the baby.       But...   When the aliens reach the baby, they don't save the baby as everyone assumes - they   eat   the baby!
 Had they done nothing for ten minutes, the baby would have escaped on its own!   But   no one     ever waits   for ten minutes; given an obstacle, it is human nature to overcome it - even when the implications are unknown.   And thus the moral of th
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